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Didier Home and Hardware


1355 Landsdowne Drive
Union City, IN 47390



Sapindus Saponaria is related to the sapindus mucorosi, but is a distinct species. These have all been called soapberries, or soap nuts, or natural soap.  They contain non-ionic surfactants, and can be called natural cleansers, hypoallergenic laundry detergents, Eco-friendly cleaners, and entirely natural soaps. They are environmentally friendly  detergents and environmentally friendly soaps.  Completely biodegradable, they are non-contaminating.  They contribute to re-forestation and clean water, soil conservation, and  sustainable economic development

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Union City OH 45390

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Sapindus Saponaria is related to the sapindus mucorosi, but is a distinct species. These have all been called soapberries, or soap nuts.  They contain non-ionic surfactants, and can be called natural cleansers, hypoallergenic laundry detergents, Eco-friendly cleaners, and entirely natural soaps.

*Soapberries are an agricultural product, not evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or disease

© 2016-2018 by Toucan Trading Inc. Union City OH 45390,                       Use of our web page implies agreement with our terms of use

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